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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winning dots and.... squares???

After all of the critiquing and deciding and much coloring and perfecting the winning dot designs of the original 30 have been chosen....




Here are my many, but only eight, square designs...





Relaxed (resting on each other)



There they are... Rock on...

Dot O'Rama

Ever since we were given the assignment to find dots "in the outside world" I've been seeing them EVERYWHERE!!!! I found them in various places and I am still seeing them. It's like I've got tourettes with a dash of ADD and all I can say is "DOTS!!!". Here are the winning five of the many pictures of dots I took....

Rock on....

Saturday, January 29, 2011


In WASH on Wednesday we brought in our completed dot designs and put all fifteen on our table and had our team members try and organize them into the groups: Proximity, Similarity, and Continuance. Some peopled tended to lean more to one group than the other. After they were organized they then had to eliminate three from each category and narrow it down to two. After the two were selected they then had to choose which out of each set of two represented their categories the best and then say why. After we had our final three selected we had to place tracing paper on them and create topographic maps and magnetic field maps of them. I struggled with this for some reason. After lunch we then hung up our proposals for our 3D projects and we went in a line around the room voting on which proposal out of every persons' ideas we liked. Then we sat in teams with the one that was most voted on and discussed how we would execute the idea. After much research I'm still struggling on how to execute mine, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WASH Week two day one

Captain's log stardate 01252011.
Yesterday in WASH we brought in the sphere like things we fashioned out of cardboard and we also turned in the dot designs we did for 2D design. After we turned those in and took some notes we revisited our dot designs and had our group critique us and kind of point out our habits. I had tendencies to hug the corners with my dots, form straight lines, use only about three different size dots, and I colored them heavy. I also tended to create shapes that look like paw prints. We then had to create at least two new designs in proximity, similarity, and continuance that broke our habits. It was quite difficult and one of the designs actually stressed me out. In the 3D design portion of WASH we looked at everyone's spheres and a lot of them, mine included, weren't exactly sphere like. It was quite a difficult task to try to wrestle with the cardboard because it always wanted to be a box. Then we picked a random item out of a box and I got an acorn looking thing. After much confusion, laughter, and research we finally found out that it is a burr oak acorn. It's quite large and when I was drawing it it just looked like a hairy breast to me.....  I have a few plans for it. We have to remake it in cardboard on a large scale, but we also have to make it an appendage that means something. I kind of want to make it a helmet, or a hammer, or a piece to wear on my waist. We also have to go on a hunt for dots in the outside world. This should be fun because it's like having ADD or tourettes and all you can say is "DOTS!" and then a take a picture. Anyway it's been a rough day.... time for bed...

Friday, January 21, 2011

First day/week of W.A.S.H.

Well this week school started and I got to experience W.A.S.H. for the first time. I drove with my friend Lee over to the building and the first thing we were handed was a quote. Mine was "The secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life and in elevating them to art"-- William Morris. We were asked to memorize our quote and decide if we agreed or disagreed with it. I actually agree with mine because if you pay enough attention to notice all of the details of life you are sure to find something that makes you happy. Find joy in the little things.

Then we did a performance art type thing where we were asked to create an appendage out of tape and newspaper that would represent a daydream or a nightmare of ours. I chose to be a nightmare. I created a baby looking thing that I taped to my stomach to represent pregnancy. I fear that because at this age it's a scary thought because I wouldn't know what to do or have any means to support myself or a child. Plus I'm not too fond of children they tend to scream a lot.... or leak.... Any way, after we attached the appendage to ourselves we put on a fashion show type thing where everyone else had to guess if our "other self" was male or female and nightmare or daydream. Everyone got mine right away. That might have to do with the fact that I kind of unintentionally announced what it was and I also made a sour/scared face while walking down the "runway".

After lunch we came back and took notes and went over a few handouts. At this point in time it was a little difficult for me to focus because I hadn't been feeling well all day and having the same class all day can be exhausting in itself. We also did another exercise where we had to represent something through sound only. My group got "value" which we represented through the sound "ka-ching!". It was interesting to say the least and I'm glad we didn't get color.

I was almost late for lecture today, but I made it just in time. Lack of sleep and breakfast made it a little hard to focus but I did my best and participated the best I could. I will definitely be earlier next Friday so there will be less stress in my morning.

Over all W.A.S.H. seemed okay for the first day, but I can tell that it's going to be stressful and going to take up a lot of time obviously. Luckily I've got a few friends who are in it with me. We're going to try to help keep each other sane. I'm just hoping that I can figure out how to balance my time with W.A.S.H. and life drawing II. I think I can do it.